Plot: A look at the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany in the days before WWII and the life of Hitler. Featuring American documentary films that were screened at the time to convince troops to take action.
Plot: Iconic moments in the history of warfare including the D-Day landings, the ill-fated airborne operation at Arnhem, the German counterattack at the Battle of the Bulge and the dash for one of the last bridges standing across the Rhine at Remagen.
Plot: A closer look at crucial battles fought during World War II. Beginning with the invasion of France, each battle is cloesly examined, including the struggle to control the Atlantic, the battle over the skies and ending with the battle of the Pacific.
Plot: Featuring the moments when Nazi Germany through Europe into turmoil during the Second World War. Veterans recollect key moments from this period including German paratroopers, Polish artillerymen and Australian captains.