Plot: In baseball, a series refers to two or more consecutive games played between the same two teams. Historically and currently, professional baseball season revolves around a schedule of series, each typically lasting three or four games. Wikipedia
Plot: Launched in 1977, "This Week in Baseball" -- or "TWIB," as it's often referred -- is the longest-running sports anthology show in TV history, made famous by the legendary voice of original host Mel Allen. Today, "TWIB" still resonates with fans because its simple formula remains true -- a bunch of...
Plot: If you're a fan of baseball, then you won't want to miss this show featuring highlights of all the games and updates of ones still in progress. Regularly hosted by Karl Ravech, he's joined by a rotating panel of analysts that includes former players and managers, plus reporters who provide inside information...
Plot: Disney XD's version of "Sport Science" takes segments, three per episode, from corporate sibling ESPN's version of the show and gears it more toward young people, with "Kickin' It" star Leo Howard joining John Brenkus as co-host. The pair use scientific experiments in a state-of-the-art facility to...
Plot: MLB Network's first-ever talk show features some talk and a lot of banter each weekday for hosts Chris Rose and Kevin Millar, who discuss between themselves and with others associated with baseball what's hot and what's not in and around the national pastime. They also run out of the baseline at times...
Plot: Sunday Night Baseball is an exclusive weekly telecast of a Major League Baseball game that airs Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m. EDT on ESPN during the regular season. The games are preceded most weeks by the studio show Baseball Tonight: Sunday Night Countdown presented by Chevrolet prior to the first pitch...
Plot: Adapted from Joseph Mahler's non-fiction best seller "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx Is Burning," this eight-part miniseries chronicles New York's turbulent year of 1977, during which the New York Yankees clinched their first World Series Championship under the ownership of George Steinbrenner. That...
Plot: Teenaged Pete Young lands his dream job as batboy for his hometown big-league team, the New York Empires. He soon discovers, though, that things are not as glamorous as they seem from the outside -- to say nothing of the fact that he's lying to his single mom about what he's doing after school. Fortunately...
Plot: The Curse of the Bambino was a superstitious sports curse evolving from the failure of Major League Baseball team Boston Red Sox to win the World Series in the 86-year period from 1918 to 2004. While some fans took the curse seriously, most used the expression in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Wikipedia
Plot: The engrossing "SportsCentury" series is a collection of biographies that detail the 20th century's most memorable sports personalities and moments. A combination of ESPN's considerable resources and a panel of renowned authors, commentators and observers produced the hallmark of the series in 1999...
Plot: NASCAR on Fox, also known as Fox NASCAR, is the branding used for broadcasts of NASCAR races produced by Fox Sports and have aired on the Fox television network in the United States since 2001. Wikipedia