Plot: Actor and investigative journalist Ross Kemp's award-winning documentary series focuses on the world's gang culture. Each episode sees Kemp talking with gang members in a specific city, where he attempts to establish a relationship that leads to an interview with the gang's leaders. Also heard from...
Plot: BAFTA-winning filmmaker Ross Kemp investigates some of Britain's most challenging issues in this three-part series. Kemp explores subjects including immigration, child sexual exploitation and alcohol abuse as he meets with people who are working to resolve the issues and those directly affected by...
Plot: With unprecedented access, Ross Kemp goes inside the walls of HMP Belmarsh, the country's most notorious maximum security jail that has housed the country's most dangerous, and infamous, convicts such as Ian Huntley, Ronnie Biggs and Charles Bronson.
Plot: Actor Ross Kemp is back with another documentary series, this time focusing on people around the world involved in illicit trading and other heinous crimes. In each episode, the former `EastEnders' actor confronts criminals responsible for drug dealing, human trafficking, murder and rape, and he also...
Plot: On his tenth trip to Afghanistan, Ross Kemp fronts his third series documenting the efforts of British soldiers in the war-torn region. This time he embeds with the Whiskey Company 45 Commando Royal Marines, some of the country's toughest soldiers, to find out what has changed ten years on from 9/11...
Plot: Ross Kemp travels across the country to meet people living with some of the biggest issues affecting Britain today. He delves deep into issues such as homelessness, knife crime, young carers, and more.