Plot: Disney's 1994 classic "The Lion King" is one of the most beloved animated films in the company's storied history. This follow-up series introduces Simba's son, fun-loving Kion, who is happy that his sister, Kiara, is destined to rule the Pride Lands. He soon discovers that as the second-born he has...
Plot: Princess Elena is on a journey that began years earlier when evil sorceress Shuriki took her parents and kingdom from her. Now, having defeated Shuriki, the royal teenager is due to take her place on the throne but needs help ruling Avalor -- that assistance comes in the form of the Grand Council, made...
Plot: A camping trip to mysterious Mako Island turns out to be much more than that for outdoorsy teen Zac. Unknown to him, the island is actually the domain of a pod of mermaids, three of whom -- Sirena, Nixie and Lyla -- should be guarding the Moon Pool. But they neglect their duties, and Zac falls in. The...
Plot: This revamped incarnation of the "My Little Pony" franchise not only appeals to the little girls that the toy line is primarily marketed to, but has drawn a cult following of teenagers, self-proclaimed "geeks," and even adults that remember the TV series, specials and films dating back to the 1980s...
Plot: The Hauntley family has just moved from their home in Transylvania to a neighborhood in Pennsylvania to open a business. Vampirina, or Vee, and her family are friendly vampires and her parents, Oaxana and Boris Hauntley have opened a Bed & Breakfast for their visiting guests; ghouls and goblins! Vee...
Plot: Space adventurer Miles Callisto is always ready for action, traveling through the universe with his family and his best friend, a robo-ostrich named Merc. The family includes mom Phoebe, the ship's captain who sets a good example and encourages her family on every mission; dad Leo, a laid-back pilot...
Plot: Fun-loving 5-year-old Henry Hugglemonster, the middle child in a close-knit monster family, goes on adventures where he learns various life lessons like learning to work in a team and helping others. Joining Henry on his adventures are his parents, Daddo and Momma, and siblings Cobby, Summer and baby...
Plot: Following the adventures of five best friends: Stephanie, Emma, Olivia, Mia and Andrea, as they have fun and meet lots of people in and around their hometown.
Plot: Despite her last name, Rose Cinderella is an average teenager who is as obsessed with shoes as she is with fairy tales. Things change when she discovers a magic key that unlocks a new world in which fairy tales come to life. After tumbling into Fairy Tale Land, Rose finds out that she has a magical...
Plot: Inspired by creator and executive producer Matt Braly's heritage, family and childhood trips to Bangkok, Thailand, Disney's animated series chronicles the adventures of independent and fearless teen Anne Boonchuy after she is magically transported to a rural marshland full of frog people. There, Anne...
Plot: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls u2013 Forgotten Friendship is a 2018 Canadianu2013American Flash animated one-hour television special based on Hasbro's My Little Pony: Equestria Girls toyline and media franchise, which is a spin-off of the 2010 relaunch of Hasbro's My Little Pony toyline. Wikipedia
Plot: Callie, a cat sheriff, roams around her Old West town along with her deputy, a woodpecker named Peck, and fun-loving cactus sidekick Toby. Together they watch over Nice and Friendly Corners to make sure that everyone in the frontier town follows the Cowpoke Code, a set of rules of fairness, honesty,...
Plot: Bloom is a special Earth girl with magical powers who travels to the Alfea School for Fairies to perfect her skills. She quickly befriends teenage fairies Stella, Flora, Musa, Layla, and Tecna. Together these six girls are the Winx Club. In addition to high school, the girls work to save the universe...
Plot: Polly is often told she is too little to do the things she wants to do, but Polly proves what every kid knows, that being little isn't a limitation.
Plot: Barbie embarks on adventures with friends and family -- including next-door neighbor Ken -- in this animated vlog of adventures filmed inside her family's new dreamhouse.
Plot: Dottie "Doc" McStuffins is a nurturing 6-year-old girl who cares for st■ animals and toys in her playhouse clinic. When she puts on her stethoscope, something magical happens -- toys, dolls and st■ animals come to life and she can communicate with them. Like any good doctor, Doc has assistants...
Plot: Young fairy princess Holly and her best friend, Ben Elf, live in Little Kingdom, a tiny land where flowers and grass grow above the tallest towers. Being a princess, Holly has magical powers, but her attempts at magic often go awry -- but that is to be expected because even her fairy teacher, Nanny...
Plot: The students of all the fairytale characters attend Ever After High, where they are either Royals (students who want to follow in their parent's footsteps) or Rebels (students who wish to write their own destiny). The sons and daughters of famous fairy tale characters all attend to Ever After High,...
Plot: Follow the adventures of a group of rag dolls as they explore creativity, friendship, magic and music at the same time as they get into small and funny mishaps.
Plot: An eleven year-old girl discovers that she is a descendant of Snow White, and is tasked with protecting her family from the evil queen and her vengeful plan.
Plot: Dorothy Gale is a fictional character created by American author L. Frank Baum as the main protagonist in many of his Oz novels. She first appears in Baum's classic 1900 children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and reappears in most of its sequels. Wikipedia
Plot: The intelligent, fearless heroine 8-year-old True and best friend Bartleby, the cat, helps the whimsical citizens of the Rainbow Kingdom with their problems. The Rainbow Kingdom is full of fantastical citizens of all colors and when something goes wrong True is the only one with the ability to wake...
Plot: The story follows Sofia, an average girl, whose life suddenly changes when her mother marries a king. It depicts how she adjusts to the extraordinary life and makes everyone around her feel special.