Plot: Its first edition counted on the presentation of actor Gerson de Abreu and the X puppet, which dealt with everyday subjects and curiosities in general. There was also the participation of Marcelo Mansfield talking of scientific curiosities, Oscar Simch as the Sultan and Raquel Barcha as Sherazade, both...
Plot: After a castaway, five youngsters end up in an unknown island inhabited by unusual creatures, a wise Egyptian woman and an evolved, malign being of bacterian origin. The story revolves around three teenagers and two children who would participate in a choir on an island, but lost the day they board...
Plot: Vox Populi was a weekly current affairs program broadcast by the Australian public broadcaster Special Broadcasting Service television channel "SBS TV". The program first went to air in July 1986. Vox Populi was broadcast for nine years. The program's first presenter was journalist Vladimir Lusic....
Plot: TV Colosso was a Brazilian children's television series produced by Rede Globo, that began on April 19, 1993, and finished on January 3, 1997. The show utilized puppets, body puppets, remote-controlled animatronics and bluescreen puppets. Wikipedia
Plot: Balão Mágico was a children's television program which aired in Brazil between 1983 and 1986. The children, who were the main stars of the program, were also part of a musical group which sang children's songs. Wikipedia