Plot: Well-known for its incredible size, it is a lesser-known fact that Australia also includes more than 8,000 islands. Actor Martin Clunes travels to 16 of the best, such as Norfolk Island, the Tiwi Islands, Maria Island and more, which have been chosen because they provide a clear cross-section of what...
Plot: Head First is a series of introductory instructional books to many topics, published by O'Reilly Media. It stresses an unorthodox, visually intensive, reader-involving combination of puzzles, jokes, nonstandard design and layout, and an engaging, conversational style to immerse the reader in a given...
Plot: An extraordinary narrative more than 40,000 years in the making about the people, places and events which have shaped our nation from the first footprints on our continent to the present day.
Plot: Hypnotist Peter Powers travels across the country, hypnotising both individuals and groups of people in order to have them perform strange and amusing acts.
Plot: Six out of ten who call Australia home have had little or no contact with Indigenous people. 28 days. Six well-known Aussies. One life-changing journey.