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Backstory: Serena v The Umpire
Description: The story behind one of the biggest sports controversies of 2018 taking a look into Serena Williams' clash with umpire Carlos Ramos during the 2018 US Open women's final. Genre: TV program
Plot: Wild Animal Games is a short-lived children's television game show that aired on the Family Channel from October 2, 1995 to September 22, 1996. It was hosted by Ryan Seacrest with a chimpanzee named Eddie serving as co-host. Randy West served as the announcer on some episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: With newfound teenage daughter Ruby in tow and a legacy in the music business to protect, former '80s pop star David Gallagher shows up at his brother Patrick's door looking for a big favor. Not willing to let go of his past glory days, David needs his one-time band mate with the Rockits to take in...
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Plot: ABC Family's first foray into half-hour comedy follows a group of friends in Manhattan as they try to figure out life and love after their college years. Romantically inept Mark becomes the new roommate of his high-school crush, Katie, hoping finally to seal the deal, but Katie is still carrying a torch...
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Plot: People may call cats a lot of things -- and boy, do they ever -- but "highly motivated self-starters" isn't among them. That's especially true of Eddie and Buckley, two very laid-back felines who make Garfield and Morris look like highly strung neurotics in this adult animated series. Eddie and Buckley...
Plot: After an asteroid hits the moon, townspeople in a picturesque town in Vermont live life to the extreme -- quitting their jobs, indulging in their vices -- as the world's end looms.
Plot: It's one thing to care for someone else's children, which may be more nerve-racking than looking after your own, but add the fact that the children are the offspring of high-profile families in Beverly Hills, and the challenge becomes much more daunting. This docuseries shines a light on the tall task...
Plot: "Spell-Mageddon" isn't your typical spelling bee. On the hourlong game show, contestants must conquer distractions while spelling increasingly difficult words. Among the challenges the spellers must face: Having to make their way through a slippery obstacle course while avoiding a swinging log, being...
Plot: Da Möb is a Swedish-American-Canadian animated series, created by Magnus Carlsson, about three youngsters who form a rap band called Da Möb. They go on misadventures to try to get a record deal; however, they are untalented and they are fighting a losing battle to make it in the music business...
Plot: Serena Williams is famous for her dominance on the tennis court, winning 39 Grand Slam titles, four Olympic gold medals and the most women's singles matches in Grand Slam history. Personally, she has kept a relatively low profile, letting her play do the talking. That changed in 2017 when Williams...
Plot: Masters of the Maze is a children's television game show that aired on the Family Channel from August 29, 1994 to September 15, 1995. After the last episode aired, the show went into reruns until September 22, 1996. The first season was hosted by J. D. Roth, and the second season was hosted by Mario...
Plot: Big Brother Jake is an American sitcom starring Jake Steinfeld that aired on The Family Channel from September 2, 1990 to April 10, 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Serena Williams is famous for her dominance on the tennis court, winning 39 Grand Slam titles, four Olympic gold medals and the most women's singles matches in Grand Slam history. Personally, she has kept a relatively low profile, letting her play do the talking. That changed in 2017 when Williams...
Plot: The story behind one of the biggest sports controversies of 2018 taking a look into Serena Williams' clash with umpire Carlos Ramos during the 2018 US Open women's final.