Plot: Children have always loved cars, so this animated series featuring plenty of the shiny, colorful, speedy vehicles is a natural to hold the attention of tiny tots. The show follows the adventures of the title character, an inexperienced young race car learning the ropes at the Silver Hatch circuit....
Plot: This animated children's series follows the warm and fuzzy adventures of a band of little beings inhabiting a magical garden world. Fifi Forget-Me-Not, the title character and group's happy leader, lives in a giant yellow watering can and tends to the flowers in her organic garden. Along with twin...
Plot: Play School was a British children's television series produced by the BBC which ran from 21 April 1964 until 11 March 1988. It was created by Joy Whitby and was aimed at preschool children. Wikipedia
Plot: Spicks and Specks is an Australian music-themed comedic television quiz show. It aired on ABC1 at 8:30 on Wednesday nights, with the show repeated on Thursdays on ABC2 at 8pm. The previous year's season was repeated every Friday at 2:30 pm on ABC1. Wikipedia
Plot: This animated PBS series follows the adventures of Franny Fantootsie, a nearly 6-year-old girl who is transported to different places in the world when she tries on various shoes in her grandpa's shoe repair shop. In her travels, she meets new friends and helps them solve their problems.
Plot: This children's series tells the story of anthropomorphic pig Piggley Winks. The show starts with Grandpa Piggley, in the United States, telling his three grandchildren stories about his younger days in Ireland in the 1950's. The flashbacks feature Piggley as a young lad living in Ireland with his...
Plot: Animated series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Nok Tok, De Li, Lau Lau and Yojoj encourage children to solve problems and be imaginative.
Plot: The Wiggles are a children's band from Australia who sing, dance and perform for their friends. Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags the Dog and pirate Captain Feathersword are guest performers. Each episode focuses on a different theme for preschoolers including food, friendship, the body and family.
Plot: Two friendly aliens traveling in a steam-powered spaceship explore the Earth's many unique environments and the animals inhabiting them in this series for preschoolers. Each episode finds boisterous blue mechanic SpottyWot and his pink twin sister, DottyWot, the ship's captain, making an educational...
Plot: Wiggle and Learn is an Australian TV show that aired on ABC. It ran from June 17, 2007 to September 8, 2008. It is The Wiggles 6th TV series. Wikipedia
Plot: Nigel and Baby Bear welcome babies Tommy, Remi, Felicity, Otis, George, Zadie and their grown-ups to The Baby Club. Inside everyone's bags in this episode are ribbons which are explored through discovery, play, song and story. The popular baby song `Wind the bobbin up' features, as does a story involving...
Plot: Toby is a free-spirited eight-year-old and the world's youngest ringmaster. He runs his own amazing travelling circus, and together with his crew he brings fun.