Plot: Sparrow is a 2016 Chinese television series based on the novel of the same name by Hai Fei, starring Li Yifeng as the title character. It aired on Hunan TV from 5 September to 20 October 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: The drug war on the U.S.-Mexico border has escalated as the cartels have begun trafficking terrorists across the US border. To fight the war, federal agent Matt Graver re-teams with the mercurial Alejandro.
Plot: The son of an imperial consort survives a bloody coup that puts a new, tyrannical emperor on the throne, and he grows up into a revolutionary bent on revenge.
Plot: Legend of Nine Tails Fox is a 2016 Chinese television series based on six tales in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio by Pu Songling. It originally aired 2 episodes daily on Hunan TV, Sunday through Tuesday at 22:00 as well as simultaneously broadcast online on Youku, Tencent, Sohu and iQiyi. Wikipedia...