Plot: On a mission aboard the Nightflyer, the most advanced ship ever built, a team of scientists embark on an expedition to make first contact with alien life. Set in the year 2093, their mission takes them beyond the edge of the solar system, farther than mankind has ever gone before. But when terrifying...
Plot: When civilization reaches its apocalyptic end, the Copeland family survives the end of the world as they know it, but what will the new world be like? Turns out it's scary, with supernatural creatures, massive storms and a plague among the things that the Copelands must deal with while facing the rapid...
Plot: A group of survivors led by police officer Rick Grimes travel in search of a safe and secure home after a zombie apocalypse spreads across the USA.
Plot: As multiple star systems get involved in the Clone Wars, the Jedi Knights struggle to keep the peace and defeat the droid army of the Separatists. Meanwhile, an old threat slowly reveals its presence.
Plot: Sarah and John Conner discover that Judgement Day was not averted, but it was delayed until 2011. Now they must face the reality that other enemies from the future could be after them.
Plot: Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese media franchise created by Hideaki Anno and owned by Khara. Most of the franchise features an apocalyptic mecha action story, which revolves around the efforts by ... Wikipedia