Plot: This is a summer edition series of `Countryfile' where John Craven, Jules Hudson, Keeley Donovan, Margherita Taylor and the team get together to reveal stories about the season. The hosts travel around Britain, enjoying summer in the countryside, at the coast and on Britain's waterways. High temperatures...
Plot: A sister show to the BBC's `Countryfile' series, this rural affairs programme sees a team of presenters travel the length and breadth of the United Kingdom to cover stories related to the British countryside and the season of spring. As this period is a busy time of the year for the farming and outdoor...
Plot: Countryfile launches Plant Britain, an ambitious two-year challenge aimed at galvanizing everyone in the nation to get planting, no matter where you live or how large or tiny a space you may have, to help combat climate change and for the added benefits to our well-being and our wildlife. Matt Baker...
Plot: Journalist John Craven and TV presenter Jules Hudson travel across Britain to champion the men and women dedicated to saving the country's historic homes, national monuments, foods, crafts and animals. The men meet people who care and members of communities battling to save local landmarks. Craven...
Plot: Mary Berry explores some of the nation's greatest stately homes through the prism of food, her best area of expertise. Mary meets the present day custodians and their knowledgeable, dedicated staff as she visits the gardens, kitchens and private rooms. Later, Mary will produce her own special recipes...
Plot: Hugh Dennis and Julia Bradbury present this programme that showcases some of Britain's most stunning landscapes and the people who live in those areas. In their travels, the duo highlight the geology that shaped the best-loved bits of Britain. Among the locales they visit are Cornwall and Devon, where...
Plot: Britain's much-loved home cook Mary Berry re-creates her favourite recipes in this six-part series. Inspired by her favourite places and memories, Mary cooks her best-loved dishes, which are easy to make and are a tried-and-tested success. As well as sharing the secrets to her fuss-free methods, the...