Plot: Depicts "Statarna", the Swedish agricultural proletarians, set during the early 1900s. An institutionalized brutality of oppression and poverty surrounded by a beautiful and silent countryside. Depicts "Statarna", the Swedish agricultural proletarians, set during the early 1900s. An institutionalized...
Plot: The Tattooed Widow is a Swedish Emmy Award winning TV movie from 1998, written and directed by Lars Molin. The film is centered on the 60 plus woman Ester, played by Mona Malm. Ester is living in a somewhat failed marriage where she is expected to take care of the household and be a good grandmother...
Plot: Xerxes is a TV series for children based in Sweden. It originally aired over Kanal 1 from 21 October to 27 November 1988. It was also broadcast in the UK on Channel 4. Wikipedia