Plot: National Geographic Channel turns its state-of-the-art cameras on America for a close-up of its national parks. More than three years in the making, the eight-part series goes beyond the homegrown beauty to allow viewers to witness moments full of drama, watch stories of life and death, and discover...
Plot: The host looks at some of the most spectacular migrations where animals of all kinds travel across vast distances for food, mates, safety and survival.
Plot: Stretching from the Antarctic in the south to the Arctic in the north, the Atlantic Ocean is vast, wild and unforgiving and each season brings new challenges for its indigenous creatures.
Plot: Some people like to hop in a car to take a road trip across America, visiting as many landmarks as possible along the way. Since such a trek can take a while to complete, taking a flight across America might be a better option for some people. "Aerial America" takes viewers on such a flight, offering...
Plot: An action-packed adventure through Africa's remaining untamed wildernesses, exploring the continent's iconic natural wonders, awe-inspiring beauty and unique, diverse wildlife.