Plot: Amanti e Segreti is a 2004 Italian six-part crime thriller miniseries directed by Gianni Lepre. Filming locations were Rome, Trieste, Ferrara and Tuscany. The first episode aired 16 March 2004 on Rai Uno. The series was a success, with an audience of about 9 million viewers. Wikipedia
Plot: Una donna per amico is an Italian television series, which ran on Rai 1 for three seasons from September 27, 1998 to April 16, 2001. The series revolves around a group of doctors and nurses in the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of a Roman hospital. Wikipedia
Plot: Provaci ancora prof! is an Italian television series. The show follows the story of Camilla Baudino, a high school teacher that often finds herself involved in some crimes. Camilla, an amateur detective, collaborates with policemen to resolve these cases and in the meantime she takes care of her husband...
Plot: La dama velata is a 2015 Italian-Spanish mystery-drama television miniseries directed by Carmine Elia. It was produced by Rai Fiction, Lux Vide and Telecinco Cinema, with a budget of about 10 million euros. It is set in Trentino, in the late nineteenth century. Wikipedia