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Asian Treasures
Description: Two adventurers face perils as they seek hidden treasures.. Genre: Drama Year Released: 2007 Number of episodes: 118 First episode air date: January 15, 2007 Director: Eric Quizon Writers: Don Michael Perez
Plot: Fantastikids is a 2006 Philippine television drama fantasy adventure series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Jun Lana and Zoren Legaspi, it stars Marky Cielo, Isabella de Leon and BJ Forbes. It premiered on May 6, 2006. The series concluded on December 9, 2006 with a total of 155 episodes. Wikipedia...
Plot: Kaputol ng Isang Awit is a 2008 Philippine television drama romance musical series broadcast by GMA Network. Based on a 1991 Philippine film of the same title, the series is the seventh instalment of Sine Novela. It premiered on March 3, 2008 on the network's Dramarama sa Hapon line up replacing My...
Plot: Codename: Asero is a 2008 Philippine television drama science fiction series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Mark A. Reyes and Mike Tuviera, it stars Richard Gutierrez in the title role. It premiered on July 14, 2008 on the network's Telebabad line up replacing Joaquin Bordado. Wikipedia
Plot: Mulawin is a Philippine television drama fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Don Michael Perez and Dode Cruz, it stars Richard Gutierrez, Angel Locsin and Dennis Trillo. It premiered on August 2, 2004 on the network's Telebabad line up. Wikipedia
Plot: **Stand Alone**Her world was color. Canvas and paint. Indie O'Connell lived inside her head. Her voices the muse. And as a freshman at St. Peter's College, all she wanted, was to create a name for herself with the brush in her hand.His world was over. Despite his humble upbringing, Kai Carter seemed...
Plot: Ang Iibigin ay Ikaw Pa Rin is a 2003 Philippine television drama romance series broadcast by GMA Network. The series served as a sequel to the Philippine television series Ang Iibigin ay Ikaw. Directed by Joyce E. Bernal and Lore Reyes, it stars Christopher de Leon, Richard Gomez, Alice Dixson and...
Plot: Atlantika is a Philippine television drama fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Zoren Legaspi, it stars Dingdong Dantes. It premiered on October 2, 2006 on the network's Telebabad line up replacing Majika. The series concluded on February 9, 2007 with a total of 95 episodes. Wikipedia...
Plot: Darna is a 2005 Philippine television drama fantasy action series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is based on Mars Ravelo's Philippine fictional character of the same name and a loose adaptation of the 2003 Darna miniseries. Directed by Dominic Zapata and Eric Quizon, it stars Angel Locsin in...
Plot: Boys Nxt Door is a Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Jun Lana, it stars Marky Cielo, Aljur Abrenica, Mart Escudero and Joseph Bitangcol. It premiered on June 24, 2007. The series concluded on January 13, 2008 with a total of 31 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Bakekang is a Philippine television drama series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is based on a Philippine graphic novel by Carlo J. Caparas. Directed by Gil Tejada Jr. and Khryss Adalia, it stars Sunshine Dizon in the title role. Wikipedia
Plot: A modern take on the 1970s political Watergate scandal centering on untold stories and forgotten characters of the time. A compelling story of trials, tragedy, success, and love unfolds on Lupin. With sleek and luxurious sports cars, vehicles, and sets, breath-taking and action-packed scenes, and swoon...
Plot: Captain Barbell is a Philippine television drama action fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is based on a Philippine fictional character of the same name created by Mars Ravelo. Directed by Don Michael Perez, it stars Richard Gutierrez in the title role. Wikipedia
Plot: Majika is a 2006 Philippine television drama fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Mac Alejandre and Eric Quizon, it stars Angel Locsin and Dennis Trillo. It premiered on March 20, 2006 on the network's Telebabad line up. The series concluded on September 29, 2006 with a total of 138...
Plot: Joaquin Bordado is a 2008 Philippine television drama action series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is based on a Philippine comic book serial by Carlo J. Caparas with the same title. Directed by Mac Alejandre and Argel Joseph, it stars Robin Padilla in the title role. Wikipedia
Plot: Mga Mata ni Anghelita is a 2007 Philippine television drama fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is an adaptation of a 1978 film of the same title. Directed by Gil Tejada Jr. and Khryss Adalia, it stars Krystal Reyes. It premiered on July 2, 2007 on the network's Telebabad line up replacing...
Plot: Encantadia is a 2005 Philippine television drama fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is the first installment of the Encantadia franchise. Directed by Mark A. Reyes, it stars Sunshine Dizon, Iza Calzado, Karylle, Diana Zubiri, Dingdong Dantes and Jennylyn Mercado. Wikipedia