Plot: Taiga is a struggling second-generation actor who has developed a complex due to his father, a famous actor in his time. Taiga, only get to appear in variety shows, most of the time. One day when his friend bring him out for a skydiving, a big wind drag him away from the dropping point and he got stuck...
Plot: Buzzer Beat is a Fuji TV Japanese television drama starring Tomohisa Yamashita, Keiko Kitagawa, and Saki Aibu. The series primarily focuses on two characters, Naoki Kamiya, a professional basketball player, and Riko Shirakawa, an aspiring violinist. Wikipedia
Plot: The Family is a Japanese drama aired on Tokyo Broadcasting System for its 55th anniversary. It is a remake of a 1970s novel of the same name by Toyoko Yamasaki. Takuya Kimura received widespread acclaim for his work in the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Oshin is a Japanese serialized morning television drama, which originally aired on NHK from April 4, 1983, to March 31, 1984. The 297 15-minute episodes follow the life of Shin Tanokura during the Meiji period up to the early 1980s. In the work, Shin is called Oshin, an archaic Japanese cognomen. Wikipedia...
Plot: Furuhata NinzaburÅ is a Japanese television series that ran periodically on Fuji Television from 1994 until its final episodes in 2006. It was written by Japanese playwright KÅki Mitani and is often referred to as the Japanese version of Columbo. Wikipedia
Plot: Marumo no Okite is a Japanese television series which premiered on Fuji TV on April 24, 2011. This television series stars Sadao Abe as Mamoru Takagi, a public relations officer with a stationery company. Wikipedia
Plot: Toru is a young part-timer who has no interest in social issues. He gets called in as a juror in the trial of a woman labeled as a "witch", charged with a murder over an enormous inheritance. Though it appears that she is definitely guilty, one by one the jurors begin casting their votes for "not guilty...
Plot: Samurai Sensei is a Japanese television drama based on the manga written by Esusuke Kuroe about a samurai who time-travelled 150 years to modern day Japan. The series was broadcast by TV Asahi from 13 October to 11 December 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: This is a story about the detectives at the Jinnan Police Station in Harajuku, Tokyo. Azumi Tsuyoshi, head of the Criminal Affairs Department trusts his staff and usually does not interfere with their investigation. However, one day, a dead body is found in the neighborhood. Toyo Ota, a neighbor, is...
Plot: Hammer Session is a Japanese manga series written by Yamato Koganemaru and Hiroyuki Yatsuand and illustrated by Namoshiro Tanahashi. It started in Kodansha's Weekly ShÅnen Magazine on November 15, 2006, and finished on January 8, 2009. Kodansha compiled the manga into eleven tankÅ...