Plot: Got Talent Portugal is a talent show adapted for Portugal from the original British show Britain's Got Talent. The show travels the country in search of people with new and diverse talents: magicians, ventriloquists, singers, orators, dancers, street artists, acrobats, comedians, jugglers, among many...
Plot: Telejornal is the flagship evening television news program aired each day at 20:00 on the Portuguese public television channel RTP1, the flagship channel of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal. The first show aired on 19 October 1959 and has kept its name since. The title translates as tele-journal...
Plot: The Voice Portugal is a Portuguese reality singing competition and local version of The Voice, originally broadcast as The Voice of Holland. It premiered on 29 October 2011, on RTP1, with the first-season finale airing on February 25, 2012, crowning Denis Filipe as the winner. Wikipedia