Plot: Beneath its seemingly placid small-town facade, the fictional town of Llanview, Pa., frequently simmers with tension, usually caused by the town's three main families: the upper-crust Lord family, the powerful Buchanan clan and the feisty Cramer family. While the long-running television serial was...
Plot: A young painter becomes involved with an eccentric aristocratic family in this dramatisation of the Evelyn Waugh novel. Charles Ryder, portrayed by Jeremy Irons, meets Sebastian Flyte (Anthony Andrews) at Oxford, and though they are from very different levels of society, they develop a bond.
Plot: The performing arts anthology series brings best from the worlds of music and dance into viewers' living rooms. From classical music and opera to ballet and musical theater, cameras capture the stage performances of some of the best artists in the world.
Plot: Street Legal is a Canadian legal drama television series, which aired on CBC Television from 1987 to 1994 before returning with six new episodes starting March 4, 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: The "Kung Fu" Legend continues in this syndicated series in which Kwai Chang Caine returns. After 15 years of believing each other dead, Kwai and his son, Peter, are reunited. Peter is now a cop and Kwai helps him solve his cases.
Plot: This Steven Bochco-produced series pulls few punches in portraying the day-to-day lives of cops in New York's 15th Precinct. Characters' personal lives intertwine with the cases they work, which often deal with the worst elements the city has to offer. Many characters came and went during the show's...