Plot: Tough-guy police officer Jake Stone (Jack Palance) and his less seasoned partner, Tony Moore (David Barry Gray), are intent on taking down Osborn (Robert Davi), a ruthless criminal. However, since Osborn is holed up in the suburbs, Jake and Tony must hold their stakeout in a neighboring house, home...
Plot: Inspired by the 1996 John Woo film of the same name, this Canadian series tells the story of Li Ann Tsei and Mac Ramsey, lovers and thieves who fake their deaths in an attempt to flee China and the criminal operation they work for. While Li Ann escapes to Canada, Mac is arrested and imprisoned in China...
Plot: Alone in the Dark is a survival horror video game series, originally developed by Infogrames. In most of the games, the player controls private investigator Edward Carnby, who goes to investigate a haunted mansion or town that is full of undead creatures. The original story is based on the writings...
Plot: Sword-and-sorcery adventure about two warring brothers who fight to gain control of a magical sword. Hawk, a noble warrior, assembles a small force of fighters to help him rid the land of a powerful and devious enemy, who also happens to be his older brother - and their father's murderer.
Plot: In a silent land where any sound is outlawed, a recently returned exile (Patti LuPone) passes on the secret of music to a 10-year-old girl (Meredith Henderson).
Plot: Second Chances is an American drama television series created and written by producers Bernard Lechowick and Lynn Marie Latham. The two-hour pilot episode was directed by Sharron Miller. Its cast includes Connie Sellecca, Matt Salinger, Megan Porter Follows, Jennifer Lopez, and Michelle Phillips. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Inside Man is a British television series that was shown in twelve one-hour episodes in 1969. The mystery drama series, produced by London Weekend Television starred Frederick Jaeger as criminologist Dr. James Austen. Wikipedia
Plot: Venetian merchant and adventurer Marco Polo journeys across Europe and Asia and lands up as a prisoner in the palace of Kublai Khan, a 13th century Mongolian emperor.
Plot: A minor road accident lands a county prosecutor in hospital, where she thinks she witnesses a murder through her sleeping pill induced haze. A medical examiner starts to dig around and his suspicions lead him to a famous doctor who claims to be able to make infertile women pregnant. Before he can tell...