Plot: Crisis Escape No. 1 is a 2005 South Korean television program. It airs on KBS 2TV on Monday at 20:55 begin on July 9, 2005 end on April 11, 2016. The shows aims to inform its viewers about how to overcome various crises that they may encounter in their lives, and claims they will make everyone experts...
Plot: Trick & True was a South Korean variety show, which aired on KBS2, KBS' channel for entertainment shows. The show was hosted by television comedy show host Jun Hyun-moo, Kim Jun-hyun and Lee Eun-gyeol. The show replaced Talents for Sale as it got second highest rating, 6.9% in its pilot episode. Wikipedia...
Plot: Brave Family, is a South Korean reality-variety show that airs on KBS2 beginning 23 January 2015 and estimated to air a total of 10 episode. The concept of this program will follow celebrities becoming virtual family members, going overseas to live and adapting to their lifestyles. Wikipedia
Plot: Cheongdam-dong 111 is a reality show aired by South Korean television channel tvN between November 21, 2013 and January 9, 2014 about the daily life and inner workings of FNC Entertainment, a record label and talent agency. The title of the show reflects the agency's location in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam...