Plot: Although marriage is the farthest thing from her mind, Renko meets a special person on her twentieth birthday and starts to seriously think about marriage. In this light comedy, these feelings inside her clash with those of her friends and family members, but they all add to the growing experience of...
Plot: Can a coward commit suicide? Meet Kita Yoshio, a very unlucky man who has chosen his close friend's death anniversary as his suicide date, which is 11 days away. The number 11 has been quite significant throughout his life: he was born on November 11th; his roll call number at school was #11; and 11...
Plot: R-17 is a 2001 Japanese TV series broadcast on TV Asahi with Chiaki Kuriyama as Saori Maruyama, Miki Nakatani and Yuma Ishigaki. It is based on the manga Confidential Confessions by Reiko Momochi. Wikipedia
Plot: This unconventional crime drama poses the question of `whydunit' rather than `whodunit'. Each episode begins by revealing not only the victim but the killer as well. A team of investigators, led by homicide detective Angie Flynn, tries to piece together the clues. Viewers navigate a complicated maze...
Plot: Koyama Kazumi is an optimistic and generous college student that will go as far as indebting himself to help others. Yet this becomes a problem when he asks a money lender for a loan, which endangers his possibilities of getting a job. Komiyama Kazumi is a rather optimistic and cheerful, though a bit...