Plot: Historian Neil Oliver presents this documentary series that goes behind the scenes of the Australian War Memorial. In the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the First World War, the museum prepares for a series of events to commemorate the day. Over the course of a year, the Australian War Memorial...
Plot: BBC History of World War II is a 30-hour, 12-disc collection of 10 BBC television films about World War II. The films include documentaries, docudramas, and "dramatized documentaries". Wikipedia
Plot: Thomas "Tolly" Johnson, 17, lies about his age to enlist with his brother in the Great War and finds himself at Gallipoli, caught up in the key battles that shaped the ANZAC legend.
Plot: Anzacs is a 1985 Australian five-part television miniseries set in World War I. The series follows the lives of a group of young Australian men who enlist in the 8th Battalion of the First Australian ... Wikipedia
Plot: A century ago, more than one million British people worked as servants, but they have largely been forgotten in the time since then. Social historian Dr Pamela Cox, the great-granddaughter of servants, is trying to prevent their stories from being lost to time. In this three-part series, Cox uncovers...