Plot: The Extreme Sailing Series was an annual global racing series, organised by OC Sport, which ran from 2007 to 2018. The series started in 2007 with its main attraction being the stadium racing which puts the race course inside a stadium environment for the ease of spectators' viewing. Wikipedia
Plot: From the blistering pace of a non-stop drag race around the planet, to the relentless demands of an Olympic campaign, this show covers every aspect of the racing scene.
Plot: The World Sailing's Sailing World Cup is a series of sailing regattas. The World Cup came into existence during the 2008รข09 Season. The series features boats which feature at the Olympics and Paralympics. Wikipedia
Plot: When refugees from a war-torn country start seeking asylum in a small American fishing town, it becomes clear that something strange is going on. The residents soon learn that the country they are fleeing from is America, and the war they are escaping hasn't happened yet. While the government sets...
Plot: Exploring the design, construction, technology and armaments of history's great vessels of war and peace, from ancient Viking ships to modern aircraft carriers.
Plot: Meeting the men and women committed to preserving the close links that ties them to the sea. Fishermen, oyster farmers, scientists, businessmen and more share the many different facets of the French coasts.