Plot: "Wild Transport" follows the adventures of a company that specializes in rescuing and relocating dangerous, deadly animals. From lions and tigers to alligators and cobras, each cross-country transport proves adventurous with unique, risky challenges related to safely loading and delivering live cargo...
Plot: Professor Noel Fitzpatrick teams up with Steve Jones and Kate Quilton to help animals at shelters across the country to find their forever homes and be united with a loving family. Many times when a family splits up or someone passes on, an animal is abandoned and finds itself holed up in a shelter...
Plot: Wildlife rehabilitation expert Hope Swinimer and her dedicated team rescue and heal injured and orphaned animals of all kinds. Hope's passion for wildlife conservation shines through everything she does as she and her team go on difficult missions to care for and return each animal to the wild. "Hope...
Plot: The Guardians is a television sci-fi thriller series of 13 60-minute episodes made by London Weekend Television and broadcast in the UK on the ITV network between 10 July 1971 and 2 October 1971. Wikipedia
Plot: Making a lucrative living certainly isn't a motivating factor for wildlife caregivers. It's a profession that appeals to those with a strong will, a big heart, and a love of wild animals. In rural western Kentucky, the dedicated individuals featured in `Wild Animal A&E' rescue, rehabilitate and release...
Plot: Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists in Houston, Texas, is one of America's busiest animal hospitals, with a staff that treats more than 50,000 patients annually. `Animal ER' brings cameras inside the facility to show viewers what goes on as the veterinarians and other staffers treat their beastly patients...
Plot: Dr Jan Pol has been a practicing veterinarian for more than half his life. In 1981 he and his wife, Diane, opened a vet business out of their home, and over the years it has grown to service more than 19,000 clients. Set in Central Michigan's farm country, this reality series follows Dr Pol and the...