Plot: This long-running documentary series follows the work of Wildlife Aid, an animal rescue and rehabilitation centre based in Surrey, England. The show is presented by Wildlife Aid co-founder Simon Cowell (not the famous music executive) and veterinary nurse Sara Cowen. While Cowell is generally featured...
Plot: This long-running documentary series follows the work of Wildlife Aid, an animal rescue and rehabilitation centre based in Surrey, England. The show is presented by Wildlife Aid co-founder Simon Cowell (not the famous music executive) and veterinary nurse Sara Cowen. While Cowell is generally featured...
Plot: With more than one million reports of animal cruelty and mistreatment every year, the RSPCA is under increased pressure to keep Britain's pets safe from abusive owners and unscrupulous breeders. `The Dog Rescuers' follows the organisation's inspectors as they track down some of the UK's abused and...
Plot: The heroes at the RSPCA rescue a goose shot with a crossbow bolt. A young sick seal that's clinging to life is rescued from a beach and rushed to a wildlife hospital.
Plot: Self-confessed feline fanatic Jo Brand meets the vets, RSPCA inspectors and volunteers who work tirelessly to save the nation's cats from harm. An exploration of what makes cuddly kittens one of the most impressive creatures on the planet.
Plot: More than dogs are featured on this series, an up-close look at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in southern Utah, the largest no-kill sanctuary in the United States. It's a refuge for up to 1,700 homeless cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, birds and other animals, and thanks to the efforts of the staff...
Plot: Stepping behind the scenes into some of the UKs busiest animal A&E departments, following the fortunes of the staff, volunteers and patients at the Blue Cross animal hospitals in London Victoria and Grimsby.