Plot: Talented baseball pitcher Yomi reunites with an old friend, Tamaki, who plays as a catcher, and the duo work together to form a baseball club at their new high school.
Plot: Tsuritama "fishing ball", sometimes written as tsuritama, is a Japanese anime television series that aired between 13 April 2012 and 28 June 2012. The anime was licensed by Sentai Filmworks in North America, by MVM Films in the United Kingdom, and Hanabee in Australia and New Zealand. Wikipedia
Plot: From Kotaro Ishidate, creator of some popular ad-lib animes. The new anime centers on five girls and one cat all living as housemates in Nakano: the three Himote sisters (Tokiyo, Kinami, and Kokoro) whose family manages the "Himote House," Kokoro's classmates Tae and Minamo, and the cat Enishi. From...
Plot: Young villager Tatsumi heads to the Imperial Capital to try to raise money for his village. After arriving, he discovers that there is corruption in the area. He is recruited by Night Raid, an assassin group, to fight the Empire and end the corruption. As part of Night Raid, Tatsumi joins self-procl...
Plot: Idoly Pride is a Japanese idol-themed multimedia project created by the CyberAgent subsidiaries QualiArts, Straight Edge, and Music Ray'n, with character designs by QP:flapper. A manga series by Hiroki Haruse began serialization on Kadokawa Shoten's Comic Newtype website in June 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Demon Lord, Retry! is a Japanese fantasy light novel series written by Kurone Kanzaki and illustrated by KÅji Ogata and Amaru Minotake. It began serialization online in 2016 on the user-generated novel publishing website ShÅsetsuka ni NarÅ, as well as the website Hameln....