Plot: Mata ng Agila is a Philippine television news broadcasting show broadcast by Net 25. Originally anchored by Ely Sauldar, Weng Dela Fuente and Sam Cepeda it premiered on October 24, 2011 replacing I-Balita on the network's evening line up. Sauldar, Lima and Tiglao currently serve as the anchors. Wikipedia...
Plot: Hapi ang Buhay is a Philippine television sitcom on Net 25. It is the first sitcom to be produced by Net 25 of the Eagle Broadcasting Corporation, in cooperation with INCinema Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: Tutok 13 is the flagship national network news program produced and conceptualized by the Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation's News department, based in the Philippines. Wikipedia
Plot: UNTV Ito ang Balita is a late afternoon one-hour and flagship newscast of Philippine television network UNTV. Aired from Monday to Friday at 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. The Newscast Premiered on July 12, 2004. The newscast is also simulcast on radio thru Radio La Verdad 1350 kHz AM in Mega Manila. Wikipedia...
Plot: CNN Philippines Newsroom or simply Newsroom is CNN Philippines' flagship rolling newscast service. Premiered on March 16, 2015 as a standalone noontime newscast and expanded into different editions ... Wikipedia
Plot: PTV Balitaan was a flagship morning newscast broadcast on the People's Television Network Channel 4 with simulcast via PTV provincial stations nationwide; It is aired weekdays from 5:30 am to 7:00 am. Balitaan's format consists of national news, local news, foreign, sports, entertainment news and special...
Plot: MBC Network News is the flagship Tagalog language tri-media newscast of DZRH. It airs in the Philippines through 666 kHz in Manila with simulcast on TV Natin stations, DZRH provincial relay stations 31 MBC Television Stations Nationwide and DZRH News Television. Wikipedia