Plot: Andy meets the largest mammal ever to walk the earth when he travels back to Mongolia 30 million years in the distant past. On his travels he has a night-time run-in with some hungry hyaenodons and helps a baby paraceratherium.
Plot: When a fault develops on the remote camera that Jen set up to record sightings of the elusive snow leopard in the Himalayas, it's up to Andy to jet off in his safari-mobile to the Himalayas in order to find the camera and fix it. But will he succeed?
Plot: With the help of a time travelling clock and his friend Hatty, Andy goes on a journey to explore the world of dinosaurs. He returns from his prehistoric adventures with all the things he needs.
Plot: Every kid needs a best friend and Andy Johnson's has a long, bushy tail. Rodney J. Squirrel is Andy's best friend and mentor, and they spend their days exploring and getting into harmless mischief around the neighborhood. Andy's dad thinks his son's friend gets him into lots of trouble -- fortunately...