Plot: BET Presents: Love And Happiness: An Obama Celebration was held at the White House on the South Lawn on October 26. 2016. It aired November 15, 2016 on BET and Centric. The celebration served as a "love letter to President Obama and First Lady, Michelle Obama." The event was hosted by Terrence J and...
Plot: Joseline's Cabaret: Miami is a reality television series, which chronicles the lives of Joseline Hernandez and several strippers and sex workers residing in Miami, Florida. It premiered on January 19, 2020 on Zeus Network in partnership with The Shade Room. Wikipedia
Plot: BET's first hourlong scripted drama is a follow-up to the same-titled TV movie that premiered on the network in the summer of 2013. The series returns Gabrielle Union to the lead role of Mary Jane Paul, a successful cable news anchor who has a closet packed with designer clothes and shoes, a beautiful...
Plot: "106 & Park" is a 90-minute countdown music video show that features popular hip-hop, contemporary R&B, reggae and dancehall music videos. Hosted by a variety of people since it premiered, the weekday show plays the top 10 most requested videos of the day, as requested by viewers who can vote by telephone...
Plot: From the team that produced the critically acclaimed "The New Edition Story," the top cable biopic of all time, comes the four-hour miniseries "The Bobby Brown Story." It picks up where its predecessor left off, delving into the stellar rise, near demise, and redemption of the founding member of the...
Plot: Wouldn't you know, there aren't only `Real Housewives' parading around reality television. The BET original series `Real Husbands of Hollywood' evens the playing field somewhat - well, not really. The programme is actually the "fakest reality show ever," says BET, a satire that skewers all things `...
Plot: Tracee Ellis Ross ("Girlfriends") and Malcolm-Jamal Warner ("The Cosby Show") star in this comedy series as a contemporary, successful couple trying to navigate life with their blended family, which also consists of her bickering teenage twins and his outspoken 7-year-old daughter. A busy psychologist...
Plot: Written, directed and executive produced by Tyler Perry, Sistas" follows a group of single black women as they navigate the ups-and-downs of modern life, which includes careers, friendships, romances, and even social media. The comedy-drama series features Andi Barnes, an ambitious divorce lawyer,...
Plot: A three-part miniseries, "The New Edition Story" follows the R&B/pop group from their humble beginnings as kids in Boston to global mega-stardom -- weathering the highs and lows of controversy, personnel changes, and the ultimate cost of fame. In 1978, 11-year-old Bobby Brown convinces friends Ricky...
Plot: Honoring accomplishments of black women; performances by Alicia Keys, Brandy, Keyshia Cole, Ciara, Missy, India.Arie, SWV; celebrants Alicia Keys, Kerry Washington, Janelle, Monae, Dionne Warwick, Susan Taylor and Dr. Hawa Abdi.
Plot: This scripted drama combines fictional and real-life characters and moments to tell the story of a young, ambitious and troubled entrepreneur who created "Soul Train," one of the most predominant television shows for African-American culture. Set in the early 1970s and filled with music, dance, fashion...
Plot: After losing his job, Jeremy decides to move to the backwoods of Georgia to help his crazy grandfather who has foolishly purchased a terribly run-down home for the elderly.
Plot: Saving Our Selves: A BET COVID-19 Relief Effort, or simply, Saving Our Selves, was a 2020 television special which aired on the American television network BET on April 22, 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wikipedia
Plot: In the Atlanta neighborhood of Little Five Points, Layne Roberts and her friends are spurred to take a deeper look at their stagnant lives and ask themselves if there's something bigger and better.