Plot: This mystery-drama is created by best-selling thriller writer Harlan Coben, and written by Danny Brocklehurst. The story follows a group of four childhood friends as they try to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance of their fifth member, who went missing 20 years ago. After a devastating incident...
Plot: This program brings the latest and greatest of top news stories straight to viewers. Fox News Channel's Harris Faulkner hosts a roundtable discussion and brings one-on-one interviews with newsmakers and the network's top contributors. Faulkner utilizes the resources of FNC journalists in the field...
Plot: Hosted by Neil Cavuto, FNC's business news senior vice president, this program covers the latest business news stories, in addition to giving analysis on how the stock market moved through the day. It also covers political stories and how they may affect the markets.
Plot: A daily live broadcast provides current domestic and international news, weather reports and interviews with newsmakers from the worlds of politics, business, media, entertainment and sports. Additionally, specific segments such as Today's Money, Today's Kitchen and Today Throws a Wedding target specific...
Plot: CNN's flagship morning program, anchored by Kiran Chetry, presents the latest breaking news and developments each weekday. Also reporting are a team of correspondents including Jim Acosta, Jason Carroll, Alina Cho, Carol Costello and Christine Romans.
Plot: Jon Scott hosts this talk show/debate forum in which panelists from both sides of the American political spectrum discuss media treatment of the previous week's big news stories.
Plot: This early morning show is for people who enjoy the information they get from "FOX and Friends" but want it an hour earlier. Heather Childers, Rob Schmitt and Jillian Mele host the show that requires them to get up at the crack of dawn. They report on the day's headlines while offering viewers the...
Plot: Megyn Kelly, a staple of Fox News Channel's daytime lineup since joining the network in 2004, moves to prime time with this show -- which takes its title from Kelly's weekly segment on "The O'Reilly Factor" -- that focuses on breaking news and in-depth investigative reports. The show presents unique...
Plot: This weekday morning news show is hosted by Fox News Channel stalwarts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade, along with more recent addition Ainsley Earhardt. Regular features include medical contributors, reports from entertainment correspondents and interviews with newsmakers. During the summer, "FOX and...
Plot: Co-anchors Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly provide political analysis on key races across the nation; Shepard Smith reports election results and updates; contributors include Bill Hemmer, Brit Hume, Charles Krauthammer, Chris Wallace and Ed Henry.
Plot: The True Story is a documentary series shown on History in the United Kingdom and on the Smithsonian Channel in the US under the name The Real Story. Wikipedia
Plot: Hosts Martha MacCallum and Trace Gallagher, along with a team of correspondents, review the main news stories of the day in this weekday news/talk show.
Plot: South London parents Pete and Sue Brockman struggle to get through the day raising three rambunctious children in this British comedy series that earns high marks for its improvisational dialogue and frequent celebration of life's more mundane moments. Eldest son Jake suffers growing pains and is constantly...
Plot: Journalist Chris Wallace moderates the Fox News political issues program, featuring interview with newsmakers of the day, focusing on the current topics and issues facing the country. The son of CBS newsman Mike Wallace, Chris Wallace also previously helmed the NBC weekend political show "Meet the...
Plot: Martha MacCallum has been part of the Fox News family for a number of years but made the jump to prime time while chronicling the first 100 days of President Trump's administration. Now she's branching out to cover all of the happenings in the nation's capital on "The Story." She keeps viewers up-to...
Plot: Anchor Shepard Smith covers the biggest stories of the day in this afternoon news show. From Studio B, Smith interviews top newsmakers and reports in his usual fast-paced fashion.