Plot: In the heart of Texas, everything's bigger at Ekstensive Metal Works, where owner/mastermind Bill Carlton and his creative team design and build outrageous, enviable cars and trucks. Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary means Bill, a third-generation welder, uses everything from rusted wrecks...
Plot: In rural Canning, Nova Scotia, sits a modest auto body shop whose proprietor has built a legendary reputation. He's known in town as a custom car artist "who can build a Bugatti out of a chicken coop," a neighbor says. Now, Chad Hiltz, aka "Bad Chad," is ready to expand his horizons, helped in no small...
Plot: In "Vegas Rat Rods," Steve Darnell and his band of oddballs and misfits create exclusive, Mad Max-style rat rods. With the demands of their quirky customers, the team at Welder Up strips and rebuilds vehicles from hidden treasure. In each episode, the automotive fabricators use their imaginations and...
Plot: Master metal fabricator Joe Martin showcased his motorcycle-building skills by winning a world championship on Discovery's "Biker Build-Off" competition. On "Iron Resurrection," Martin tackles projects mounted on two and four wheels at his custom shop near Austin, Texas. Joe's wife, Amanda, and his...
Plot: Bangladeshi car designer Nizamuddin Leepu Awlia, along with an auto-garage owner, Steve Pitbull, transforms vehicles and creates unique and affordable cars for their clients from junk automobiles.
Plot: After departing Gas Monkey Garage in 2016, former `Fast N' Loud' star Aaron Kaufman opened his own auto shop, Arclight Fabrication, in Dallas, where he's shifting gears by focusing on his personal car-design passions. Along with a crew of hand-picked builders from around the country, Aaron pushes his...
Plot: In a small town in Illinois, Justin Nichols leads a team of highly qualified professionals in building custom motorcycles, trucks and hot rods for clients across the United States.
Plot: Kenny Hauk joins forces with a crew of mechanics and fabricators to engineer unique vehicles whose features are a beautiful, powerful and functional mixture of luxury cars and off-road vehicles.
Plot: In "Supercharged" -- aka enhanced -- episodes of "Vegas Rat Rods," Steve Darnell and his band of oddballs and misfits create exclusive, Mad Max-style rat rods. With the demands of their quirky customers, the team at Welder Up strips and rebuilds vehicles from hidden treasure. In each episode, the automotive...