Plot: Idol Gives Back is the name of a charitable campaign that spanned two episodes of American Idol during its sixth season. A second Idol Gives Back concert and fundraiser occurred on April 9, 2008, during the seventh season of the show. Idol Gives Back was not held in 2009 due to the economic crisis...
Plot: Pop Idol was a British music competition television series created by Simon Fuller which ran on ITV from 2001 to 2003. The aim of the show was to decide the best new young pop singer in the UK based on viewer voting and participation. Two series were broadcast, one in 2001รข2002 and...
Plot: Backed by some of the recording industry's heaviest hit makers, five unknown women are chosen from the thousands who auditioned and shepherded through the making of their debut album. The show chronicles the behind-the-scenes process.
Plot: Mario Lopez returns to host the third season of this award-winning competition series. Solo artists and vocal groups from across the country audition in front of this year's panel of judges -- Simon Cowell, Demi Lovato, Kelly Rowland and Paulina Rubio -- in hope of proving they have the ability, charisma...
Plot: Amateur performers present their singing, dancing, comedy and novelty acts to celebrity judges and a nationwide audience in order to advance in the competition and win a huge prize.
Plot: The X Factor is a television music competition franchise created by British producer Simon Cowell and his company SYCOtv. It originated in the United Kingdom, where it was devised as a replacement for Pop Idol, and has been adapted in various countries. Wikipedia