Plot: Seasoned travelers Julie Conover and Mark Jennings explore the world's most beautiful and exotic locations in this series for those seeking adventurous excursions off the beaten path. The two globe-trotting hosts hop on bikes, strap on skies, and paddle canoes as they make their way across their unu...
Plot: Seeking adventure at every turn, native Hawaiian Wendy Gilbert and husband Jeremy, a mainland transplant, explore the greatest off-the-beaten-path spots and "locals only" experiences throughout the islands. Whether zip-lining over Oahu's North Shore, snorkeling with manta rays on the Big Island, or...
Plot: Admitting the fishing show industry desperately needs something different, the producers of "Discovering Water" say it offers "a breath of fresh air with an Anthony Bourdain-inspired lifestyle format." The half-hour program integrates travel, culture, culinary, and adventure while utilizing a passion...
Plot: This weekly travel series takes young people on incredible journeys around the world -- without having to leave the comfort of a living room couch. The team of teenage correspondents visits locations in the United States and abroad to exhibit the beauty of nature and the people who inhabit each destination...
Plot: This long-running travel series continues to bring viewers to exotic destinations across the world, combining visits to popular tourist spots with a healthy sampling of more flavorful areas off the beaten path. Featuring a rotating cast of youthful presenters, these travelers dine on local delicacies...
Plot: Two athletes will participate in eight of the toughest endurance races in the world. They will run and ride bikes in over five straight months of extreme challenges.