Plot: In a Heartbeat is a Canadian-American television series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students in Darien, Connecticut. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as...
Plot: Uma Aventura is a Portuguese television series based on the children's literature series of the same name. It first aired on SIC on October 14, 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: The Time Warp Trio is a children's book series written by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith and later by Adam McCauley, which chronicles the adventures of three boys â Joe, Sam, and Fred â who travel through time and space with the aid of a mysterious object...
Plot: The NLS, properly the Nürburgring Langstrecken Serie, formerly VLN, properly Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring is an organisation of motorsport clubs of which each hosts one event of a nine-race series held on the Nürburgring Nordschleife, the "VLN Langstreckenmeisterschaft...
Plot: This cartoon series follows the adventures of Tut-ankh-en-set-amun, a 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummy on display at a museum who is revived in the present day by a bolt of lightning. You'd think someone who's been dead for three millenniums would be a bit more humble after returning to life, but once...
Plot: The monster trucks of Crushington Park may be big, but they have the personalities of children and learn valuable life lessons. In every race there are winners and losers, and every one makes mistakes on and off the racetrack. Dealing with wins and losses graciously and overcoming huge obstacles is...
Plot: Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall is an American musical comedy television special starring Julie Andrews and Carol Burnett, broadcast on CBS on June 11, 1962. Wikipedia
Plot: Uma Aventura is a Portuguese television series based on the children's literature series of the same name. It first aired on SIC on October 14, 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: Paz, also known as The Paz Show or Paz the Penguin, is a British animated television series that debuted on February 24, 2003 on Discovery Kids and TLC in the United States. It also aired on ITV in the United Kingdom. Wikipedia
Plot: "Timeblazers" is an educational series that takes young viewers back in time to learn about history in a fun way. An inquisitive student (Shakira in the early episodes, Alex later in the series) has questions about history, which leads Sam and Jen to travel through time to act out historical events...
Plot: Actress Michelle Trachtenberg presents narratives about haunted houses, mythical beasts and ancient legends around the globe, and it's left to viewers to decide: Is it the truth or just a scare? Told with the use of re-enactments, the story topics include castle ghosts of England, Ireland and Wales...