Plot: Historian David Olusoga explores Britain's history, examining the country's relationship with people of African descent. Throughout the documentary Olusoga visits historically significant sites and erects 20 plaques over Britain, Africa and the Caribbean to commemorate events and people. Beginning...
Plot: Historian and presenter David Olusoga tells the story of Britain from the point of view of a house and its owners and inhabitants over the centuries. He delves into city archives, explores old newspaper reports and meets the living descendants of those who were connected to the house. He encounters...
Plot: English historian Helen Castor presents this three-part BBC miniseries about the astonishing true story of the first reigning Queen of England, Lady Jane Grey. The known history about Lady Jane Grey is that she was an innocent teen who was put on the throne before being beheaded as a traitor after...
Plot: `The Secret History of My Family' is a documentary created from a two-year research project, exploring social mobility over a 200-year period. The miniseries explores Britain's history using particular case studies, tracing family ancestry throughout the years and examining whether social ranks have...
Plot: Inspired by art historian Kenneth Clark's documentary series of the 1960s, `Civilisations' sees three experts travel the world to explore human creativity and the development of art through the ages. From the ancient city of Petra in Jordan to the wondrous temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, presenters...