Plot: Paid Programming is a television pilot for Cartoon Network's late night programing block that premiered, unannounced, in the United States on the night of November 2, 2009, and was then re-aired every Monday through Friday night until December 4, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: The host introduces some of the world's most amazing dogs that help professionals in various sectors and shares touching stories of their courage and their loyal owners.
Plot: Meteorologist Dylan Dreyer travels to the wildest points on the globe, ranging from Africa to Indochina and the Middle East, as well as untamed islands, coming face-to-face with native animals and uncovering the connection between the environment, wildlife and human beings of exotic locales.
Plot: Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie. The Kanisky daughters need all the help they can get after their mother dies - because Carl isn't exactly in touch with his feminine side.