Plot: After a technicality results in the release of a man being tried for the rape and murder of a young woman, her father murders the man. Admitting his guilt and refusing to use temporary insanity, the father places his attorney in a virtual no-win situation. In an extreme effort, the attorney decides...
Plot: Pulttibois was a popular Finnish sketch comedy television show that premiered on MTV3 in 1989 and which starred a two-man cast of comedic actors - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius and Aake Kalliala. Both Petelius and Kalliala had been previously known for their work on YLE sketch comedies during the 1980s. Wikipedia...
Plot: Velipuolikuu was a Finnish sketch comedy show that aired in 1983 on YLE. The series featured actors Pirkka-Pekka Petelius, Kari Heiskanen, Esko Hukkanen, Robin Relander, and Niko Saarela, among others. Wikipedia
Plot: James Delaney returns to England after 10 years in Africa to attend his father's funeral. He investigates his father's suspicious death while trying to reclaim his family's pride.