Plot: Vision Television host Gerald Flurry presents a weekly analysis of world events. Through the perspective of biblical prophecy, Flurry delivers messages of warning, often about issues concerning the growing power and influence of the European Union. From the studios of the Philadelphia Church of God...
Plot: `Biblical Conspiracies' returns to the crumbling tombs, palaces and ruins of the Holy Land to examine great archaeological finds and beloved icons and explore age-old secrets of the Judeo-Christian religions. With the use of cutting-edge technology, searches begin for ancient conspiracies hidden away...
Plot: Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman explores the meaning of life, God, and many big questions in between in an effort to understand how religion has evolved and shaped society. A different divine subject is covered in each hour-long episode, titles of which include `Creation, The Devil Inside, Afterlife...
Plot: The intimate details of Jesus' life and the political conspiracy that preceded his death; how his message led to his persecution and execution by those who saw him as a threat.
Plot: David Stotts travels to various locations in the United States, Europe, and the Holyland explaining the history behind each place and how Christianity has changed it.