Plot: Lobbyist, originally titled Angel, was a 2007 South Korean television series produced by Korea Pictures International, Inc. that aired on SBS. Budgeted at รขยฉ12 million, overseas filming locations included the United States and Kyrgyzstan. It starred Song Il-gook, Han Jae-suk and Jang Jin-...
Plot: The Return of Superman is a South Korean reality-variety show that airs on KBS2. The Return of Superman used to be one of the two segments on Happy Sunday. Wikipedia
Plot: Han Dong Woo is a 27 year old single with a six year old son who falls for Oh Ban Suk, a thirty-three year old divorcee. Her husband cheated on her and she suffers from the pain of losing their son in a car accident 3 years ago. This drama is about how the two meet and through a child they heal each...
Plot: Bizarre Bunch is a South Korean television series. The series is also known in English as Peculiar Man, Eccentric Woman, Bizarre Family and Odd Man and Woman. Wikipedia
Plot: After the suspicious death of his parents, Choi Kang-ta is adopted and grows up in the US, eventually joining the President's secret service. He eventually goes back to Korea to learn more about his parent's death and to seek revenge.
Plot: KBS TV Novel was a TV series that was broadcast on KBS 2TV at 09:00 during weekdays, developed and produced by the KBS Drama Production group. It was broadcast on KBS 1TV until 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: War veteran David Budd finds work as a police sergeant with the Metropolitan Police Service in London, in the Royalty and Specialist Protection branch. He is assigned to protect the home secretary, the Rt Hon Julia Montague MP, a controversial and ambitious politician who is described as `the sociopath...