Plot: The raw beauty of Alaska's wilderness is the real star of this gripping limited series that doubles as a travelogue and a guide to survival on the last American frontier.
Plot: Follows six British couples as they compete for the ownership of an extraordinary home in the Alaskan wilderness. Situated over one hundred miles from the nearest road, the three storey property is the home and legacy of Duane and Rena Ose, the married couple who spent over thirty years building it....
Plot: Tanana, Alaska, is like the Pacific Northwest's version of Hotel California: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. Well, not exactly, but describing the town as remote is akin to saying the winters are chilly. Located at the junction of the Tanana and Yukon rivers deep in the...
Plot: Most people enjoy the modern technologies and conveniences of today -- smartphones, tablets, cable and satellite TV among them -- but there are people who choose to live off the grid and in the unspoiled wilderness, where dangers like mudslides, falling trees and bears are all parts of life. `Mountain...
Plot: Patrolling America's largest state is the job of roughly 400 troopers in one of the toughest law enforcement agencies in the nation. Essentially, these cops say, nearly every Alaskan resident is armed and they know how to use their weapons, which makes any scenario a trooper encounters a potentially...
Plot: Growing up in an isolated village can make a young person yearn for more cultural experience. The original series "Escaping Alaska" follows the journeys of Mary, Frank, Tamara, Qituvituag (aka "Q") and Nuala as they leave their sheltered communities and move to San Diego. They lie about their reasons...