Plot: This cinematically impressive series takes viewers into Alaska, specifically to two of the state's most well-known national wildlife refuges, areas set aside to conserve the nation's last natural landscapes and the wildlife that inhabits them. Rangers, biologists and interns at the Kenai National Wildlife...
Plot: What do Charles Darwin, Theodore Roosevelt and Russell Knight have in common? They all studied taxidermy. The difference is Knight decided to make taxidermy his career and opened Knight's Taxidermy, a family-run shop based in Alaska that is known worldwide for doing some of the finest work in the industry...
Plot: A 24-hour animal hospital, Pet Emergency Treatment, provides medical aid to a range of animals from domestic to wild. The vets are well trained and they ensure that the animals' lives are saved.
Plot: A former Midwesterner, Dee Thornell moved to Alaska more than 25 years ago to pursue her life's mission: to care for wild and domestic animals of America's largest state. After starting her veterinary business out of a pickup truck, she now owns and operates Animal House, the most sophisticated veterinary...
Plot: The raw beauty of Alaska's wilderness is the real star of this gripping limited series that doubles as a travelogue and a guide to survival on the last American frontier.
Plot: Chronically shorthanded police departments across the state must turn to officers from the Lower 48 to fight a soaring crime rate; newbies learn that, like everything else, policing is different in Alaska.
Plot: `Coast Guard Alaska' follows a team of Coast Guard swimmers and rescue pilots in the 50th state. The docuseries showcases how the brave men and women of the unit balance their work with their family lives and how each deals with the pressures associated with the job. The series also explores what life...
Plot: One of the world's harshest and most diverse terrains, the state is a land of endless treasure and mystique. HGTV's series "Living Alaska" follows couples on their search for a new home in "the last frontier." From Juneau to Anchorage or the Kodiak Islands to Halibut Cove, a team of real estate agents...