Plot: The economy, employment, housing, health care and other financial sectors are often hotly debated. "Real Money" tracks news surrounding these and other areas involving money and finances, focusing on how the news affects middle-class Americans. The daily show is hosted by Ali Velshi, who served as...
Plot: Consider This is an American weeknight current affairs television talk show hosted by Antonio Mora that was broadcast on Al Jazeera America. The program aired from August 2013 to February 2015, and featured interviews and panel discussions on the stories of the day. Wikipedia
Plot: Oscar-winner Alex Gibney executive produces this documentary show that is shot by people with significantly less experience in the genre than he has. For the six-episode series, 15 American students film their experiences and the world around them in their final year of high school. Issues most face...
Plot: Stephanie Sy and Del Walters anchor this weekday morning news program that combines coverage of the latest news stories with in-depth reporting. As the title suggests, the show doesn't limit its coverage to what is happening across the U.S.; Sy, Walters and a team of correspondents also cover the latest...