Plot: Khyber is a historical Arabic drama television show directed by Mohammed Azizia and written by Yosri El-Gendy. The show stars Ayman Zeidan, Ahmed Maher and Sameh Al-Saraiti. Wikipedia
Plot: Al-Ababeed was a Syrian soap opera and historical fiction centered around the 3rd century Syrian kingdom of Palmyra which aired in the Ramadan season of 1997. In the show, the role of Zenobia of Palmyra is played by famous Syrian actress Raghda. Wikipedia
Plot: Seraa Ala El Remal is a Syrian Arab soap opera/telenovela first aired on Dubai TV during Ramadan 2008. It was written by Palestinian writer Hani Saadi, directed by Hatem Ali, and produced by Dubai Media. Wikipedia
Plot: Omar or Omar Farouk is a historical Arab television drama miniseries-serial that was produced and broadcast by MBC1 and directed by the Syrian director Hatem Ali. Wikipedia
Plot: Al-Taghreba al-Falastenya is a 2004 Arabian Historical drama TV series, considered one of the most important works of drama about the Palestinian cause, produced by "Syrian Art Production International" company. The series was shot entirely in Syria. Wikipedia
Plot: Muhammad: The Final Legacy or Qamar Bani Hashim is a 2008 historical Arab drama series directed by Mohammad Sheikh Najib, which is currently airing on Islam Channel weekly. It is the first drama series which has depicted the life of Muhammad mostly maintaining the Islamic traditions and depictional...