Plot: A tumultuous life, fantastic career and volatile relationships of the legendary Yugoslav singer Toma Zdravkovic. The series follows the highs and lows of the famous bohemian and 'king of sorrow' that inspired his unique, timeless music. When the Boston Globe's tenacious "Spotlight" team of reporters...
Plot: Old Times or Al-Khawali is a Syrian television series presented in 2000. The cast members include Bassam Kousa, Salim Sabri, Amal Arafa, Salim Kallas, Ali Kareem and a number of other Syrian actors. The series was broadcast in the Arab world. Wikipedia
Plot: Bab Al-Hara is one of the most popular television series in the Arab world, watched by tens of millions of people from "poverty-stricken Gaza to the opulent cities of the Persian Gulf." Wikipedia
Plot: A love epic story took place during the French occupation of Damascus. A love epic story took place during the French occupation of Damascus. The girl Doria who lives with her father and brother on a farm owned by a rich man who wants to marry her, in which her father approved because of his fear of...