Plot: A tumultuous life, fantastic career and volatile relationships of the legendary Yugoslav singer Toma Zdravkovic. The series follows the highs and lows of the famous bohemian and 'king of sorrow' that inspired his unique, timeless music. When the Boston Globe's tenacious "Spotlight" team of reporters...
Plot: An epic, historical, romantic story that takes place in the 1800s. In the late nineteenth century Levant, Nariman, the daughter of a tycoon, is romantically chased by brothers Ragheb and Zeid. She falls for Zeid and they get married. But he disappears suddenly, leaving no trace, and Ragheb is torn between...
Plot: Zaman Al'ar was a Syrian television series that aired during the Ramadan season of 2009, created by the writer Hassan Sami Yusuf and directed by Rasha Shurbatji. Wikipedia