Plot: Nubeluz was a Peruvian children's show airing from 1990 to 1996. The show was produced by Peru's Panamericana Television and aired through its nationwide network, who credit the General Production to Rochi Hernandez. Wikipedia
Plot: This gritty 1960s drama depicts the lives of a U.S. platoon fighting its way across Europe during World War II. The show is a relatively realistic portrait of the fighting, refusing to glamorize either the soldiers or the war itself. Instead, it concentrates on the struggles of the soldiers to maintain...
Plot: La Voz Peru is a Peruvian reality talent show that premiered on Frecuencia Latina in 2013. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, the series was created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. Wikipedia
Plot: Yo Soy is a singing and impersonation competition show. It is the Peruvian version of the European show I am..., which has its own versions in other countries. It was presented by Adolfo Aguilar and Karen Schwarz up to starts of 2015. In the middle of 2015, it is presented with Cristian Rivero and...