Plot: Mariette Hartley is an Emmy-winning actress who is also passionate about fighting for animals' rights so, naturally, she hosts this series that aims to educate young people about animals. Each episode features four stories about exotic and unique animals to help kids and teenagers learn about the animal...
Plot: Actor Patrick Stewart reveals the secret superpowers of the animal kingdom in a three-part documentary. It's a mix of action-packed location filming that follows scientists tracking and catching these extraordinary animals, stunning footage of extreme animal behaviour, and CGI animation. In `Extreme...
Plot: Entertaining and educational this kids series features stunning footage animals. Each segment is packed with fascinating animal facts and eye-popping graphics, plus hilarious asides from the animals themselves that reiterate the narration.
Plot: With all of the various animal species roaming around the planet there's a lot to know about animals, which means no one knows everything about them. Thankfully "Zoo Clues" fills in some of the blanks. Each half-hour episode investigates at least a dozen questions about animals to provide viewers with...