Plot: Families are Competing, a competition program broadcast in Turkey, continues to be broadcast on 360 TV every weekday, with the presentation of Asuman Krause, as of 28 June 2021. The format of the contest comes from the contest called Family Feud, which started in the USA in 1976 and is still ongoing...
Plot: A magnificent analysis of the reflection of human weaknesses, distrust within the family, the loneliness drifting the individuals and power conflicts on social relations. Bekir is a well-known and influential businessman, who is highly respected in the business world. His daughter Nazan is his everything...
Plot: Kenan is a teacher who opens new horizons for his students by trying out unorthodox teaching methods. He establishes a new life in Istanbul for his son.
Plot: "The Paradise Quarter" is located at the outskirts of Istanbul. A place abundant with dance, music and love. The most beautiful girls, the most swaggering young men, the most talkative, nice and emotional people are living here. "The Paradise Quarter" is located at the outskirts of Istanbul. A place...
Plot: Avrupa Yakası is a Turkish sitcom, produced by Sinan Ãetin and written by Gülse Birsel. The series was shot at Plato Film studios and its first episode was broadcast on ATV on 11 February 2004. Hakan Algül directed the first season of the series, which was a completely domestic production...