Plot: Die beste Show der Welt is the name of a German television show, which was first broadcast on 30 April 2016 on the private channel ProSieben. In the program, presenters Joachim Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf present three independent show concepts. Wikipedia
Plot: Circus Halli Galli is a late-night talk show that is broadcasted on ProSieben since 25 February-2013. It is moderated by Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, better known as the duo Joko and Klaas. A late night show that was broadcast on ProSieben from February 25, 2013 to June 20, 2017. It was...
Plot: Alles in Ordnung â Mit dem Wahnsinn auf Streife is a German "mockumentary" television series directed by Thilo Gosejohann and aired on the TV station ProSieben since 2005. It is a satire of police series and follows the same concept as Reno 911!. Wikipedia
Plot: Comedystreet is a German entertainment show created by and starring comedian Simon Gosejohann. The show follows a hidden camera format. Gosejohann takes different roles with the intent of shocking passersby. Wikipedia
Plot: Kesslers Knigge is a German comedy series starring Michael Kessler as himself as in the title. The first season was broadcast from June to August 2009; production for the new season has not decided yet. Wikipedia