Plot: Pratidaan; was a popular Bengali television soap opera that premiered on 21 August 2017 and aired on STAR Jalsha. Produced by Boyhood Productions, it stars Sandipta Sen and Sheikh Rezwan Rabbani in lead roles and Rukma Roy and Debraj Mukherjee in negative roles. It replaced Star Jalsha's show Milon...
Plot: Bhanumotir Khel is a Bengali television soap opera that premiered on 8 January 2018 and airs on Zee Bangla. Produced by Subrata Roy, it stars Shreyosree Roy and Rubel Das. It replaced Baksho Bodol. This show went off air on 14 June 2019, and in its place Soudaminir Sonsar started from 17 June. Wikipedia...
Plot: Jahaanara, a progressive Muslim, and her sister, Rubina, embark on a mission to seek justice for shackled women who have been victims of the traditional system of triple talaq.
Plot: Dali's grandfather is fed up of her wild behaviour. However, when Gobindo, a peon, visits their house, the grandfather finds a solution to his problem.
Plot: Sreemoyee, a kind and dutiful homemaker, puts her family's needs before everything else. However, when she realises that they take her for granted, she sets out to establish an identity of her own.
Plot: A man marries a woman at her dying father's behest as it is his last wish. However, the woman blames him for her father's death, but he eventually falls for her.
Plot: Parameshwari gets married into a wealthy family and tries hard to adjust to the new lifestyle and please everyone. In the process of adjusting, she somehow loses her identity.
Plot: The intertwined destinies of two pairs of siblings, Subho and Antara, and Abir and Drishti, result in their meeting time and again and leading to amusing coincidences.
Plot: After Goddess Sati gives up on her life, Lord Vishnu decimates her body. Tarapith is one of the many places in India where Goddess Sati's body parts fell.
Plot: The journey of a simple and an innocent village girl, Durga, into the real world, where she is endowed with the task of curing her husband and saving her family.
Plot: Siraj-ud-daulah, a Nawab of the Kingdom of Bengal, falls for his maid, Lutfa. The two get married amidst political turmoil and Lutfunissa, soon, becomes his main support through thick and thin.
Plot: Guriya and Guddu are two orphans who set out to fulfil each other's dreams. However, when Guriya is diagnosed with a serious illness, Guddu decides to unite her with her family at any cost.
Plot: Taritha returns to India after studying in a foreign university and intends to open a manufacturing unit of anti-venom syrup in Sundargarh. However, she gets into a tussle with Bhanuchandra.
Plot: Iraboti Mitra, a working woman, shoulders the responsibility of her family and keeps marriage proposals at bay. Things change after she meets Akash, an arrogant man, who threatens to take her house.
Plot: A shy and reserved Ayandeep's relationship with his wife, Mahul, sees troubled waters after his cousin, Anurup, starts putting doubts in his head about the possibility of an affair between them.
Plot: Prafulla, a young woman, goes on a quest to fight against the British oppressors and unite everyone with the goal of seeking independence. Her acts of bravery earn her the title of Devi Chaudharani.
Plot: Keka, an aspiring dancer, struggles to make her mark in the industry. After she is snubbed by Subarna, her mother-in-law, who is a renowned classical dancer, Keka vows to become a successful dancer.